Photos and comments courtesy of:

Sgt. Reggie Burr
Jet Engine Shop
35th FMS (F-100)
Phan Rang AFB, RVN

Photo of me and a few friends in our jet shop
(Willie on the left, Allen in the middle, and myself).
Allen I believe was from New York.  (1970)

Photo of our jet shop.  (1970)

Here is is a pic I took of our medical dispensary at PRAB.  (1970)

A street scene from our squadron barracks area.  (1970)

Another street view of my barracks area at PRAB.  (1970)

This is a picture of my barracks. It was called
"The Golden Nugget" by a few of us.  (1970)

I took the four photos above during a USO performance at
PRAB's outdoor Happy Valley drive-in theater. The group
of Australian girls put on a pretty good show.  (1970)

Click on Drive-In photo to  return to PRAB home page.