The scans below were taken at our local 'Minnesota
Vietnam Veterans Memorial' on Memorial Day 2010.
The first thing I will always do when visiting the MVVM wall
is visit a friend's name (Tom Kingston). Tom was killed
on Hill 881S, Khe Sanh, RVN, during the seige (1/21/68).
Below is a great photo of Tom along with the Western
Union Telegram his mother received on Tom's passing.
Rest in peace my friend. We still think of you these days.
Before the service many would visit the wall
to reflect and respect the vets who gave their all.
Memorial Day service at the Minnesota Vietnam Veterans Wall by the State Capitol.
Local color guard saluting our fallen veterans.
Local SVN chapter color guard saluting our fallen veterans.
The coffin flag of fellow Vietnam War veteran Wallace “Skip”
Schmidt of St. Paul was flown on the flagpole during the
service at the Minnesota Vietnam Veterans Wall.
There was a pretty large turnout at the service both veterans and civilian.
Local honor guard from Anoka County Chapter 470
of the Minnesota Vietnam Veterans of America.
Chapter members giving out flowers and flags
to children to place along base of wall.
After the children any adults were given the remaining
flowers and flags to place at the base of the wall.
A touching veteran's salute to the men who gave their all.
Taps - Again, there was a pretty good turnout which was pretty touching.
Veterans and others getting together after the service.
The scans below were taken at our local 'Minnesota
WWII Veterans Memorial' on Memorial Day 2010.
The Minnesota WWII Veterans Memorial with state capitol in background.
Close-up of lower portion of the Memorial.
The scans below were taken at our local 'Minnesota
Korean Veterans Memorial' on Memorial Day 2010.
Above are three scans I took of the Minnesota Korean Veterans Memorial.
And of course it being Memorial Day we will
stop to visit my deceased family members.
The scans below were taken at a few of my
family's cemetery markers on Memorial Day 2010.
My parents
My brother Don. He died in a private aircraft crash way too young.
My sister Betty.
Click on wall icon photo to view 2011 MVVM Memorial scans
Click on Drive-In photo to return to my home page.