Here are a few scans and comments
Chuck provided of the F-100s at PRAB.
35th TFW - Phan Rang AFB.
Phan Rang AB Flight Line of the 35th Tactical Fighter Wing,
commanded by Col Cregg P. Nolan Jr. The 35TFW performed
an outstanding combat record in Southeast Asia. (1971)
F-100 Super Saber fighter aircraft assigned to the 35th TFW
(in protected revetments) fully loaded for combat missions. (1971)
F-100 aircraft of the 612, 613, 614, & 615th Tactical
Fighter Squadrons are awaiting clearance to takeoff in
support of the 719 Lan Son Operation overlower Laos to
destroy supplies coming down the Ho Chi Minh Trail. (1971)
Close up of F-100 Super Saber starting to taxi for
takeoff from PRAB on a combat sortie to Laos. (1971)
Three F-100s on takeoff roll from Phan
Rang AB on combat mission to Laos. (1971)
615th TFS F-100 taking off from Phan Rang AB, RVN.
In the month of March the 615th TFS flew 1189
combat hours over Southeast Asia. (1971)
Three F-100 on combat mission over Laos. The 35th
TFW's four squadrons flew 4,374 total flying
hours during the month of March. (1971)
F-100 aircraft from the 35TFW on a close air support
mission for Allied Ground Forces in Southeast Asia. (1971)
F-100 Saber Jets awaiting release for a night sortie
during the Lan Son Operation in Laos in March. (1971)
Maintenance crews supporting night takeoffs for F-100
sorties flying against the Ho Chi Minh Trail. (1971)
F-100 Saber Jet awaiting clearance with wingman for
takeoff on combat night mission to Lower Laos. (1971)
Six F-100s after takeoff (with afterburners) on night
combat sortie to Ho Chi Minh Trail in Laos.
Picture taken with a timed exposure. (1971)
Click on icon photo of F-100 to continue to Chuck's F-100 crash scans.