Very sad news to report that we've lost a good friend
'Chuck Bailey' to COPD at age 78.   He passed away at
Marian Regional Medical Center in Santa Maria, California
September 30, 2012. He will be deeply missed.

A few photos of Chuck taken during his tour at PRAB.
He was the 35th AMS Squadron Commander.   (1970)

Chuck with his 1930 pickup.

Chuck was a great communicator and did a great job
at this site telling of his tour at PRAB in 1970-71.

"In the recent years I've known Chuck we had not had the chance to
meet but I had the privilege to work with him when he participated
on putting his PRAB webpage together at this site.   Even recently
Chuck and I had been staying in touch VIA our emails and phone
conversations.   All the 35th AMS troops I've been in contact with,
who served under Chuck at PRAB and Barksdale, always had the
highest respect for the man.   He will be deeply missed."---Mike Vogel

"Col. Bailey was by far the best, fairest, nicest, and most easy going,
approachable commander I had during my time in the Air Force."
                                                                                          ---Ray Ingersoll

"I agree with Ray Ingersoll's above comments about Col Bailey. He was
the best commander that I served under in my 4 years with the Air Force."
                                                                                          ---John J Zela

"In my opinion, he was the finest commander I had while in the Air Force; I
served under him both at Barksdale AFB and in Vietnam."---Roy Corley

"He was a good person and a great boss. It was a privilege to have
served under him. He will be missed by many."---cougie (70 to 71)

"While I never knew him, from the comments he was a good officer
and well liked. I enjoyed his photos of his time spent at Phan Rang.
Very sorry to see another one of our Vets leave us."---John Mack

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